
Wyświetlanie postów z styczeń, 2017

Docker on Windows: remove all containers

FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('docker ps -a -q') DO docker rm %i

NPM behind proxy

Well, npm and npm3 should take proxy from ENV (usually I'm using it with sudo -E). Old topic, but what if corporate proxy suddenly would change? NPM sometimes is smart, sometimes not. so: 1) remove old proxy: npm config rm proxy npm config rm https - proxy or npm3 config rm proxy npm3 config rm https - proxy 2) Set new: npm config set proxy now should work

Pip install pycurl - No such file or directory: 'curl-config' (pip3) or "Missing dependencies for SOCKS support." (pip)

In first case: sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev Second case: export all_proxy="https://<proxy>:<port>/"

Nokia Academy Wrocław

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